Hawkwind – The Future Never Waits (2023), MP3+FLAC

Hawkwind – The Future Never Waits (2023), MP3+FLAC

Some, many even, have suggested that HAWKWIND should be instated as a national treasure. They’re kinda accepted with a warm embrace now, cuddly uncles who are unlikely these days to be contrary enough to be playing a free gig in a field somewhere during the coronation of Charles III. Dave Brock’s possibly more interested in his dogs than rebelling against the mainstream these days. As the (reluctant) man in the prime spot, he’s joined again by Magnus Martyn and Richard Chadwick, plus Doug MacKinnon and Tim “Thighpaulsandra” Lewis.
The upcoming new work ”The Future Never Waits” to be released by Cherry Red Records is the band’s 35th studio album, an outstanding progression to their varied and celebrated catalogue. Creators of Space Rock, this new effort veers much more in ‘Classic Rock’, but with the band’s unique twists.

The title track is a more ambient scene setter – you get the impression that it’s a track that could have no end; an improvised groove that gentle pulses decorated with squeaks and whines as an alternative the relentless pumping riffs. It’s the only track attributed to the full quintet, with Brock and Martin again the songwriting catalysts.
The former provides the first of the familiar stories of far-off places in The End that chugs along with trademark gusto aided and abetted by expansive drum fills and rushes of space wind.

Not highly polished musical precision, no strange time signatures or technically complex dexterity, the Hawkwind is (and always has been) about feel and groove and creating an experience. Same as it ever was. The benefits of being together and playing together in the studio rather than using technological communications shines through.

The track Aldous Huxley sees them incorporating soundbites to another celestial wash of sounds and having got used to the new age of Hawkwind, we’re taken on another playful journey as the sonic winds underpin an unusually jazzy outburst on They Are So Easily Distracted. Could the title refer to the fact that the quintet suddenly decided to head off into a Space Jazz jam? Maybe, but again, the template is tweaked.
The ominous spoken intro to Rama and the hypnotic vibe they channel on I’m Learning to Live Today gets us back on a more comfortable track that’s not fallen far from the tree pulsing away with vigor.
However, the balance comes with the sonic theme of The Future Never Waits that places a strong emphasis on more ambient sounds and brushstrokes which have dominated the first half of the album.

If you’ve not twigged yet, The Future Never Waits follows the concept of life cycles. One that began with The End, is brought to a conclusion with The Beginning – the reminder to “upload your consciousness here and leave your body at the door marked ‘incinerator‘” – and to step forward for the ‘beginning’ of the next part of the journey.
Very late period Beatle-y with the piano part and mournful delivery (plus the “whatever gets you through the night” Lennon quote) while the deep synth / lawnmower drone suggests we’re about to hear “it’s one o’clock and time for lunch.” Probably my favorite section of the album.

And so the Space Rock pioneers bring several decades of music-making to another fitful conclusion. A band for whom the groove is key to their popularity, in 2023, they’ve shown that they’re not averse to slipping out now and again to see what’s over the parapet.
Interesting what you might find, as they’ve found on The Future never Waits.
Highly Recommended

01. The Future Never Waits (10:16)
02. The End (4:10)
03. Aldous Huxley (4:38)
04. They Are So Easily Distracted (10:25)
05. Rama (The Prophecy) (8:30)
06. USB1 (3:56)
07. Outside Of Time (7:38)
08. I'm Learning To Live Today (8:05)
09. The Beginning (8:22)
10. Trapped In This Modern Age (3:00)

Link for download Hawkwind – The Future Never Waits (2023), MP3+FLAC : MP3 turbo
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