Late Night Trouble – Candyland 2023

Late Night Trouble – Candyland 2023

Yet the magic of "Candyland" transport you to a world where music is the ultimate escape! Prepare yourselves for an epic musical experience as Late Night Trouble brings their signature pop rock alternative sound to the forefront.
With their infectious energy & catchy hooks, this album is guaranteed to leave you craving for more!"Candyland" has something for everyone.

01 - Welcome To Candyland.mp3
02 - Take It Off.mp3
03 - Pretty Little Thing.mp3
04 - Date Night.mp3
05 - You Wear Me Down.mp3
06 - Smothering You.mp3
07 - Criminal.mp3
08 - Queen Of The Night.mp3
09 - Party People.mp3
10 - One Of You (Hangin' On).mp3

Link for download Late Night Trouble – Candyland 2023 : turbo
More Information

categorization. From catchy pop melodies to hard-hitting rock riffs, their music resonates with audiences of all tastes. They released their debut full length album in 2023 called Candyland. Get ready to sing along, dance, and let loose as Late Night Trouble delivers a powerhouse. performance.


They released their debut full length album in 2023 called Candyland. Get ready to sing along, dance, and let loose as Late Night Trouble delivers a powerhouse performance. Be captivated by their versatility and creativity as they bring their brand of high energy Rock worldwide.
