Morph – Sintrinity 2013

Morph – Sintrinity 2013


Morph is a duo from Sweden, where the distribution of tasks but fails heavily in favor of Attila Bokor, who is responsible for guitars, basses, and the (quite competent and blessed with commercial potential) singing. His fellow musician controls "only" with its impeccable, always aufwartendes with complex rhythms drumming. The duo could not with the inaccessible, rocky songs quite competitive to commercially successful acts such as Linkin Park do. What Morph but Linkin Park is different, these are the repeated interwoven musical details how difficult guitar figures, or technically challenging rhythms.

The building on the dramatic and always melody-oriented vocals, both elements of prog metal, and melancholy moments containing the songs deal with the tumultuous events of everyday life.

The self-image of the duo probably includes the first disc in his decision to publish Progress Records. Nevertheless, the audience Morph opened for example, Linkin Park would most likely not only not booed, but found to be very good. Retroprog purists might however initially have their problems with the Alternative Prog of Morph.

Morph make simple class, song-oriented rock music that is different from some of the subtleties of the usual alternative rock, or pop-rock. This is probably what all involved and interested persons believe Morph are attributed to the progressive scene. I supposed to be right, because Morph do their job very well and are able to play their fun making music on the sloping hearing transfer.

1. A Breath Away 5.17
2. At The Crossroads 6.59
3. Reaching for you 4.40
4. Wake up 6.51
5. The Final Bow 5.09
6. It Feels like the end 6.13
7. The Journal


Link for download Morph – Sintrinity 2013 : mirror link
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Sintrinity ist eine ProgRock-Scheibe mit obligatorischen Takt-, Stimmungs- und Härtewechseln. Viel akustischer Gitarren-Sound, z.T. E-Gitarren-Klangteppich. Schlagzeug von lässig-cool bis metallig-knüppelnd. Eingängige Melodien, eigenständiger, interessanter Stil.

3.93 (10 ratings) Essential: a masterpiece of progressive rock music (10%) Excellent addition to any prog rock music collection (70%) Good, but non-essential (10%) Collectors/fans only (10%) Poor. Only for completionists (0%) MORPH Sintrinity reviews Showing all collaborators reviews and last reviews preview | Show all reviews/ratings

22.01.2013 | 07:51. Alternativ-progressives Schweden-Duo. MORPH ist ein schwedisches Duo, das mit "Sintrinity" sein Debütalbum via Progress Records veröffentlicht. Und wer angesichts des Labels jetzt schwedischen Retro-Prog im Stile der FLOWER KINGS erwartet, ist ziemlich schief gewickelt.
