Sore Plexus – HaPTePHObiC (1999)
Band Sore Plexus
Info: HaPTePHObiC
Style: Progressive Metal
Years: 1999
Info: 320 kbps
Info: 111 Mb
Info: Germany
01. CaRdRiVeR's WeeKeNd
02. gYPsY sHRed
03. miCRoBURsT
04. P.dOmAiN
05. La NigiRO
06. semPer AliQUid HaeRet
07. FlYgeR mY CHUNg
08. ALOi
09. DiE NasTY QUI-LiNg
10. HaPTePHObiC
11. 6 A.m.
12. ChoCo FrigHTs
It's the year 1999 and the guys have decided to release the rest of the scrolls in order to have a peace of mind. However, this time the musicians have expanded their arsenal to find a sound of their own which also calls to mind acts like Watchtower, Realm and Toxik ("Think This"). The surreal elusive riffs on the opener ...
From the album "HaPTePHObiC" (1999)Marcus Müller - Bass.Dirk Podrasa - Drums.Dirk Nowak - Guitars.Karsten "Cassy" Kuhling - Vocals.
Sore Plexus - Haptephobic (44:45, Jaysound Records, 1999) Prog Metal einmal etwas anders. Gibt's ansonsten immer nur Griffbrettakrobatik, breitangelegte Keyboardteppiche und kreischenden Gesang im Holperrhythmus bei diesem Genre, so gehen Sore Plexus ihren ganz eigenen Weg und setzen sehr deutlich einen Gegenpart zum keyboardorientierten, aber ...