POWERIXTIX – Eternity (2012) Part I

POWERIXTIX – Eternity (2012) Part I

Info: Eternity (Part I)
Style: Netherlands
Years: 2012
Info: mp3 CBR 320
Info: 290 mb
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Info: :Netherlands


1. Gates Of Eternity (Intro)
 Now, you may have already heard of a rather unusual musical / Power Metal project initiated by two friends from the Netherlands – who call themselves POWERIXTIX. Wait, you haven’t ? Then sit tight and and relax, for now it is your time to get to know these guys. Right – we are here to find out whether their album ETERNITY actually is something to care about – or, if it is just a sorry attempt to create something… unusual. POWERIXTIX consist of two main members, RIX and TIX – or, if you might want to call them by their real names – Erik and Tim. As you can see on their Blogspot-Page, they seem to be your not-so-ordinary at all Dutch’s, who have a serious affection for a genre many people out there tend to love – we are speaking about the overall Power Metal-genre indeed. And, what automatically comes along: the melody, the speed, the catchy choruses, the high-pitched vocals and… you know the rest. So, their idea was to produce a CD that has a certain ‘mix-tape’ touch, which is rather unusual in any Metal genre – some tend to know about similar productions from genres like Rap or RnB. Exactly the genres POWERIXIX would never listen to – as they often state in a humorous manner. So what kind of CD is ETERNITY, then ? Is it a CD you could carry over to a (Metal-)party, being assured that you have a various selection of uplifting Power Metal-tracks pounding through the speakers – or do we rather speak about a pure fun-project here, a CD that fraternizes their devotion to the Power Metal-genre ?
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Link for download POWERIXTIX – Eternity (2012) Part I : mirror link
More Information

1. Gates Of Eternity (Intro) 2. Lightlands 3. Euphoric City 4. Creating Our Own Perfect Utopia 5. Eagle Servants 6. Golden Power 7. Lightbringers 8. When Dragons Rise 9. Temple Of Peace 10. Dreamworld 11. With Great Might 12. Majestic. How many tracks can you recognize… ? Foreword

Feb 19 2012, 21:06:28 О, это те самые ребята, которые делали эпик нарезку из хрен знает сколько павер-песен! Интересно будет послушать целый альбом.

5 Nov 2015 MagnaThor Paulinho | 37-47% 22 Jun 2013 gabrieer Digital
