Pussy Sisster – Pussy Sisster (2010)

Pussy Sisster – Pussy Sisster (2010)

Really now, if you ask me the glam metal scene as a whole has never really been a breeding pool for exorbitantly brilliant music. Ok, I suppose there were a couple bands that are still pleasant to listen to, but they were definitely a minority. I can also understand people listening to those bands for nostalgia's sake. What I don't understand why anyone would want to listen to a new band - playing exactly the same old music - that would have been sub-par many years ago.

Perhaps one could make a case for Pussy Sister being awesome party music. You know the kind of party where lots of underage boys "rock out" to "old school music", drink about four times the amount they can hold and then proceed to spread out their drinks over the floor again, then a fat, desperate chick or two comes along and tries making out with the first of the aforementioned boys that isn't too drunk to push her away, as soon as he wiped the former contents of his stomach off his face. Yeah we've all been at those parties and we know it wasn't pretty, but hey, there are people who're still into that sort of stuff. If you're one of them I won't judge you for it, I will however recommend Pussy Sister to you.

To be fair, the band at least doesn't play sloppy. A few of their compositions even get close to being catchy. So if you're really desperate for a band that tries to play it like the original glam and sleaze rock band did, Pussy Sister actually isn't a bad bet for your next concert. Everyone else shouldn't really have any reason to listen to these guys, you can just as well listen to your old Mötley Crüe and Twisted Sister records (or even Poison for all I care).

01 - Today.
02 - Hold Us Down.
03 - Way To Nowhere.
04 - Back Again.
05 - Angel Dust.
06 - In Your Arms.
07 - Melody Of Pain.
08 - Leader Of The Gang.
09 - Pussy Sisster (Bonus Track).

Password: Plotn08


Link for download Pussy Sisster – Pussy Sisster (2010) : mirror link
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