Timo Rautiainen & Neljas Sektori – Kunnes Elama Meidat Erottaa (2012)

Despite the fact that long as life shall separate us from Timo Rautiainen is the fourth solo album, so even the disc will be sure to compare the neck shot at the time. Of course, this is not surprising, because after all, Trio heavier by far one of the most important influences in the Finnish music. Parables are guaranteed for as long as Timo boards publish either solo or as a head shot, so I do not do yourself any of the exceptions.

Previous solo albums none of his own yardstick, received grade excellent, but every solo album since then has been somewhat contradictory feeling. Each disk has had its climax, but also has its own downs, and sometimes even those steep. The fourth sector, however, goes even further and can be lethally immediately to the top to say that Till death do us part is by far the very Rautiainen, "a solo album."

Damn me Periko start the disc just a touch, which secretly I was hoping to hear from Rautiainen. Catchy riff, combined with Valtteri Tynkkynen runoilemiin the lyrics, which are undesirable debts and sins to be passed down, but they bequeath beyond the gates of Hades. Foot begins to waggle already ensitahdeista since and this feeling continues throughout the song time.

Against the single from the album starts with a heavier touch and made the journey a little bit closer to the neck shot through time. The song is completely Tynkkynen handwriting and a dark story about a young, who rebelled against the teachings of all. As expected, not very happily, this story gets any decision. Refrain of the song is a song of celebration of the guaranteed future gigs.

Weak ice requires an initial trio plays the most, the first few times listening to a little bland creasing. Listens of the song, however, gains momentum and can reach almost the same level as the beginning of the harder tracks.

The first visiting group containing background section, a carpenter and a devil, conceals Jarkko Martikainen dashed off the lyrics. Calmly starting piece comes to life little by little. The role of the antagonist to visit Tommi Salmela Tarot and a vicious voice, certainly one of the best parts of the antagonist to interpret.

The dog is also vocal duo Tynkkynen / Martikainen handwriting. Predecessor calmer song brings back some places they Niskalaukaus times to mind guitars. Human life ends Rautiainen probably dozens of songs, but in this section for the first time it goes on the dog's body, which are concerns bells ringing. It was the depth of what the lyrics only, then copy that is the case!

Old and thirsty is a straightforward rokkirykäisy with Rautiainen can open the vocal cords correctly properly. Copy to be kept in their own scale of values for the plate below the average bar. Everything must-try attitude, however, say the lyrics contain very fun items that are quite a number of middle-aged certainly recognize familiar.

Survivors are also very rock-oriented, which in turn will mean a brighter sector, but if the disk had to choose the song that bump in full from the first sessions, it may be the title of the threat. Ironic lyrics, a foreign culture is feared and despised very thorough, with a few exceptions. Melancholic melody and a very realistic picture of the Finnish give the lyrics, operating at full power. The song does not have anything else to complain about the short-term, as this is essential to listen longer.

Accounted for the feeling of a traitor, the name of the song in accordance with the circle of friends back puukottaja has managed to strike moransa one of the intervertebral discs by the way. The song is progressing at a steady pace forward and end up pitkävihaisempi Finnish willing to forgive and be merciful story of its decision.

Finnish Sisu and uhoon confident superiority of one man's stories of self-assurance, where the Finnish sisu even if we go through the gray stone tree there ass. If the threat seemed to be too short, so that the track would have been able to turn, maybe a little bit cut off from the end. Song is yes, but a hint of play seem like there is noticeable.

The album's Till death do us part starts with just a guitar and singing in the common union. Joint union-depth aspects also addresses the lyrics and the song is a clear tribute to the life partner with whom to walk side by side until the very end there. Musically, the song is a plate lighter areas and acts as a good end-of all sides of the highly successful disk.

Although there just Niskalaukaus-era heaviest riffijunttauksiin may not be the fourth sector, so often go, then the disc, however, dare to be recommended to those "first demo is the best" fans. Heavy dark tones, as well as the lyrics are provided, and even a little humor from time to time spiced up with. The easiest way to approach songs are the threat, as well as upstream Devil Periko me. A carpenter and a demon is also definitely worth a dialogue with the devil devilry is almost tangible. Levy, however, requires listening to, and not a few first time I listened still far from being able to give everything.

1. Piru Minut Periköön (3:32)
2. Vastavirtaan (3:45)
3. Heikolla Jäällä (3:52)
4. Kirvesmies Ja Riivaaja (5:47)
5. Koiran Laulu (4:09)
6. Vanha Ja Janoinen (3:35)
7. Selviytyjät (3:37)
8. Uhka (2:58)
9. Petturi (3:43)
10. Yhden Miehen Ylivoima (4:20)
11. Kunnes Kuolema Meidät Erottaa (3:50)

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Link for download Timo Rautiainen & Neljas Sektori – Kunnes : mirror link
More Information

Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus on suomalainen vuonna 1996 perustettu suomeksi laulava heavy metal -yhtye, jonka soundi on raskas ja jonka kappaleiden aiheet vaihtelevat globaaleista ekokatastrofeista henkilökohtaisiin tragedioihin.

Diese Diskografie ist eine Übersicht über die musikalischen Werke der finnischen Heavy-Metal-Band Timo Rautiainen ja Trio Niskalaukaus. Den Quellenangaben zufolge hat sie bisher mehr als 140.000 Tonträger verkauft. Ihre erfolgreichste Veröffentlichung ist das dritte Studioalbum

Timo Aulis Rautiainen (s. 25. tammikuuta 1963 Sulkava [1]) on muusikko ja näyttelijä, joka tunnetaan parhaiten Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus -yhtyeen laulajana ja kitaristina. Yhtye toimi aktiivisesti vuosina 1996-2004, mutta hajosi virallisesti vasta 2006. Tammikuussa 2024 Rautiainen aloittaa Leavings-Orkesterin laulusolistina. [2]
