Samuel Hallkvist – Variety of Loud (2012)

Samuel Hallkvist – Variety of Loud (2012)

I am Samuel, a Swedish guitar player living in Copenhagen, Denmark. I play music with hints of jazz, country, metal, noise and blooming cherry trees. When not doing concerts, recordings or compose music, I teach musical interplay and improvisation at various schools in Sweden. I’m also a proud receiver of the “Jazz in Sweden” award 2010. An excerpt from the justification:

“Samuel holds an utterly personal attitude towards the jazz tradition by putting his expression in focus. With jazz as discourse and practice, Samuel lets his influences and fancies run wild and free, seemingly without restraint; with unexpected and exciting results as consequence – however always very focused and very, very much Samuel.”

Jazz in Sweden is an award that Caprice Records andConcerts Sweden have been giving annually since 1972, to a young Swedish musician or group that gets to represent Swedish jazz, abroad as well as in Sweden.

“Samuel Hallkvist would give a psychologist making a study of guitarists’ behavioural patterns no end of research material.”?/Rob Adams, Herald Scotland

“Imagine listening to the freest of free jazz with all its attendant skronks and honks, then suddenly realising that every note was?written down the way a classical composer writes for string quartet.”?/David McNally, The Skinny

“Hällkvist is a musician with a unique vision.”/Eyal Hareuveni, All About Jazz

1. Kill the Road (4:48)
2. Swarm Robotics (4:55)
3. Radio Waits for No One (3:58)
4. Body Avalanche (4:31)
5. The Maraca Triplets (3:34)
6. Wigwam (3:42)
7. 2d Sunset (3:28)
8. Urban Champion (4:40)
9. Ain't Renegade (5:48



Link for download Samuel Hallkvist – Variety of Loud (2012) : mirror link
More Information

Jazz album: "Variety of Loud" by Samuel Hällkvist, released in 2012 on Boogie Post Recordings. Explore the largest collection of jazz recordings @ All About Jazz

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Guitar, Composed By, Producer - Samuel Hällkvist; Keyboards - Pete Drungle; Liner Notes - Sid Smith; Sound Designer - Brian Close; Vocals - Mai Ueda
