Tyrants & Kings – Phosphor Anthems 2012
Tyrants & Kings is ready with their second album. Their first album was a surprising countryrock CD that came on Cope Records in 2010. But although country music was, was and is a nødvendigst step, an essential part of Tyrants & Kings universe, so the band is first and foremost a rock band.
Country album receiving excellent reviews, but unfortunately not quite as excellent sales figures. But a solid fanbase was built, and live band has a large audience.
Now the sequel 'Phosphorus Anthems' ready for release. Here lots of rock to Led Zeppelin,
John Fogerty and Soundgarden fans. The album is published by VME throughout Scandinavia, 17 October.
Tyrants & Kings arose on the ruins of the ambitious Royal Highness, as a country jam, but the singer
Dennis Kastens big rock voice could not be kept down, and now is a new beautiful Danish rock album
created. The album contains lots of noise and power, lots of joy, great rock songs,all of which are played through the strongest bands playing in Denmark. The swings, the noise that
grines to play, who banked soul out, and ..... in short, an album filled with the joy of playing and intensity.
Tyrants & Kings is back to the roots. Where we should have good songs to record
an album. It's all recorded with and analog equipment in own studio in Copenhagen Harbour.
Lead singer and guitarist Dennis Kasten said about the album: "Our debut was a folk rock album marked
a black outlook. On Phosphorus Anthems is life vision still pitch black, we have just removed "people"
and powered up the guitars. "And continues:" Phosphorus Anthems is a gloomy, heavy and noisy
rock album that will appeal to lovers of rock music. "
1. She Will Never Save Your Soul
2. Mental Down
3. No Means No Baby
4. Dead Man's Ruin
5. Everything Must End
6. There Any Minute
7. Nothing Left To Lose
8. Freight Train
9. Again & Again
10. Hold On She Said
11. Dimes & Dust
12. I Know I Can't Stay
Der Begriff Tyrannenmord bezeichnet die Tötung - meist durch Attentat - eines als ungerecht empfundenen Herrschers (Tyrannen, vgl. Tyrannis ), dem vorgeworfen wird, das Volk bzw. die Bürger gewaltsam zu unterdrücken. Es handelt sich um einen politischen Mord .
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We will start the list with one of history's oldest, cruelest and most unpredictable tyrants. Caligula ruled from 37AD to 41AD, and in these four short years he restored treason trials, causing the death of many.